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Eco-friendly strawberry harvest is in full swing in Tajikistan

In Tajikistan, the strawberry harvest is in full swing. Producers sell the berries to middlemen for €0.84 – €1.26 per kilogram, depending on the variety, while in the capital and major cities, prices are 2-3 times higher.

Large berries are particularly popular among buyers. It's important to note that large strawberries can be grown without chemicals. Remontant varieties such as "Russia," "Victoria," "Festival," and "Albion" produce large fruits naturally. In Tajikistan, fertilisers are used minimally, as the country's fertile soil is rich in essential nutrients.

Farmers plant strawberries in July-August and cover the beds with film in winter to protect them from precipitation. Proper agricultural practices ensure a rich harvest—over one kilogram per bush. Bakhtiyor Salomov from Tursunzade, who grows "Victoria" and "Albion," says strawberries make a good income.

The berries should retain their calyx, which indicates proper harvesting and reduces the risk of contamination. Tajik strawberries are known for their eco-friendliness, as they prefer organic fertilisers and frequent watering.

The strawberry harvest in Tajikistan starts in mid-April and peaks in May. By early June, the season ends, and demand for strawberries declines, giving way to other fruits and berries. Tajikistan produces about 3,000 tons of strawberries annually, holding a modest position among former Soviet countries. In contrast, Uzbekistan produces more than 7,500 tons, Kazakhstan 6,500 tons, and Kyrgyzstan produces 2,200 tons.

Strawberry prices in Central Asia are higher than in Europe due to low production levels. The world's leading strawberry producers are China, the USA, Mexico, Egypt, and Turkey, where yields are significantly higher.


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