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Moroccan tomato exports have increased significantly over the past decade

Moroccan tomato exports increased by 61.74 percent from 2013 to 2022. According to a report by Hortoinfo based on data from the United Nations (UN) Comtrade, this North African country has set new export records almost every year, except in 2020, when exports experienced a slight drop.

In 2022, Morocco exported 740.66 million kilos of tomatoes. The main destination was France, with 50.63 percent of the total. It was followed by the UK and the Netherlands, with 19.01 and 10.55 percent, respectively, consolidating themselves as key markets for Moroccan tomatoes.

During the decade analyzed, Spanish imports of Moroccan tomatoes increased by 180.29 percent, which reflects a growing trend in the demand for this product in the Spanish market.


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